[Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.19"] [Round "1.1.1"] [White "Rushbrooke, Remy"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Voitov, Sean"] [BlackTeam "City and Islington Sixth Form College A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0180"] [BlackElo "0706"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.19"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.19"] [Round "1.1.2"] [White "Tas, Baran"] [WhiteTeam "City and Islington Sixth Form College A"] [Black "Misyura, Ilya"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "1990"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.19"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.19"] [Round "1.1.3"] [White "Woltery, Nicolai"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Verai, Dimitri"] [BlackTeam "City and Islington Sixth Form College A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1945"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.19"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.19"] [Round "1.1.4"] [White "Manuel, Angus"] [WhiteTeam "City and Islington Sixth Form College A"] [Black "Choong, Han Sen"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.19"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.19"] [Round "1.1.5"] [White "Rebonato Scott, Sebastiano"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Filimon, Rares"] [BlackTeam "City and Islington Sixth Form College A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1735"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.19"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.19"] [Round "1.1.6"] [White "Morris, Brian"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Lamarque, Ella"] [BlackTeam "City and Islington Sixth Form College A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.19"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.27"] [Round "1.2.1"] [White "Muddana, Shriyans"] [WhiteTeam "Tiffin School D"] [Black "Karas, Eugenia"] [BlackTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "1847"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.27"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.27"] [Round "1.2.2"] [White "Roy, Anika R"] [WhiteTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Black "Ikram, Nyill"] [BlackTeam "Tiffin School D"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1713"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.27"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.27"] [Round "1.2.3"] [White "Bastow, Jake"] [WhiteTeam "Tiffin School D"] [Black "Song, Anwen"] [BlackTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "1705"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.27"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.27"] [Round "1.2.4"] [White "Di Cecio, Carolina"] [WhiteTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Black "Arbiter, Henry"] [BlackTeam "Tiffin School D"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1480"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.27"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.27"] [Round "1.2.5"] [White "Khan, Masroor"] [WhiteTeam "Tiffin School D"] [Black "Kapila, Maya"] [BlackTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "1255"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.27"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.27"] [Round "1.2.6"] [White "Parikh, Naavya"] [WhiteTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Black "Smolyakov, Vanya"] [BlackTeam "Tiffin School D"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1412"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.27"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.25"] [Round "1.3.1"] [White "Anguile, Andre"] [WhiteTeam "City of London Academy Highbury Grove A"] [Black "Zheng, Jerry Z"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School B"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "1848"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.25"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.25"] [Round "1.3.2"] [White "Banerji, Kumar"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School B"] [Black "Kenyon, Oliver"] [BlackTeam "City of London Academy Highbury Grove A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1795"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.25"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.25"] [Round "1.3.3"] [White "Deering, Buddy"] [WhiteTeam "City of London Academy Highbury Grove A"] [Black "Halley, Nicolas"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School B"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.25"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.25"] [Round "1.3.4"] [White "Yu, Daniel"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School B"] [Black "Fonseca, Finn"] [BlackTeam "City of London Academy Highbury Grove A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.25"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.25"] [Round "1.3.5"] [White "Hayta, Deniz"] [WhiteTeam "City of London Academy Highbury Grove A"] [Black "El Bachir, Yacine"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School B"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.25"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.01.25"] [Round "1.3.6"] [White "Shahrin, Adam"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School B"] [Black "Locs, Lauris"] [BlackTeam "City of London Academy Highbury Grove A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.01.25"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.04"] [Round "2.4.1"] [White "Ramaiya, Arushi"] [WhiteTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Black "Rushbrooke, Remy"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0180"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.04"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.04"] [Round "2.4.2"] [White "Kesterson, Kennan"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Karas, Eugenia"] [BlackTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "2009"] [BlackElo "1850"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.04"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.04"] [Round "2.4.3"] [White "Roy, Anika R"] [WhiteTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Black "Misyura, Ilya"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1716"] [BlackElo "1993"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.04"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.04"] [Round "2.4.4"] [White "Woltery, Nicolai"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Song, Anwen"] [BlackTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1948"] [BlackElo "1709"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.04"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.04"] [Round "2.4.5"] [White "Di Cecio, Carolina"] [WhiteTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Black "Choong, Han Sen"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1493"] [BlackElo "1926"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.04"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.04"] [Round "2.4.6"] [White "Rebonato Scott, Sebastiano"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Parikh, Naavya"] [BlackTeam "St Pauls Girls School A"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1738"] [BlackElo "1566"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.04"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.03"] [Round "2.5.1"] [White "Remus Elliot, Tai"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School B"] [Black "Yoon, Jacob D"] [BlackTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "2186"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.03"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.03"] [Round "2.5.2"] [White "Saravanan, Aadarsh"] [WhiteTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Black "Halley, Nicolas"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School B"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1885"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.03"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.03"] [Round "2.5.3"] [White "Moldazhanova, Alina"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School B"] [Black "Muhunthan, Charukgan"] [BlackTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "1865"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.03"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.03"] [Round "2.5.4"] [White "Mulay, Tejas"] [WhiteTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Black "Shahrin, Adam"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School B"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.03"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.03"] [Round "2.5.5"] [White "Takashige, Leo"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School B"] [Black "Gibson, Ben"] [BlackTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.03"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.03"] [Round "2.5.6"] [White "Bhaduri, Arjun"] [WhiteTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Black "Myers, John Roberts"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School B"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.03"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.23"] [Round "3.6.1"] [White "Yoon, Jacob D"] [WhiteTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Black "Rushbrooke, Remy"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "2189"] [BlackElo "0180"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.23"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.23"] [Round "3.6.2"] [White "Misyura, Ilya"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Saravanan, Aadarsh"] [BlackTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "2000"] [BlackElo "1880"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.23"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.23"] [Round "3.6.3"] [White "Muhunthan, Charukgan"] [WhiteTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Black "Woltery, Nicolai"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School A"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1874"] [BlackElo "1932"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.23"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.23"] [Round "3.6.4"] [White "Choong, Han Sen"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Bhaduri, Arjun"] [BlackTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1929"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.23"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.23"] [Round "3.6.5"] [White "Mulay, Tejas"] [WhiteTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Black "Rebonato Scott, Sebastiano"] [BlackTeam "Westminster School A"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0000"] [BlackElo "1733"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.23"] * [Event "2021/2022 Region 9 - Central London"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2022.03.23"] [Round "3.6.6"] [White "Zheng, Jerry Z"] [WhiteTeam "Westminster School A"] [Black "Gibson, Ben"] [BlackTeam "City of London School for Boys A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1857"] [BlackElo "0000"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2022.03.23"] *