Solihull B V Coleshill

Division Five Wed 22nd Feb 2023 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Solihull B V Coleshill Rating
1475 (1853) Shivakumar, Akshath
1 - 0
Murphy, Eamon
1363 (1406)
1272 (1333) Reece, Trevor
1 - 0
Haycock, Gary
1372 (1259)
1245 (1500) Bangalore Kumar, Rohith
1 - 0
Payne, Rob
1162 (1243)
1174 (1340) Vemuri, Sairam
½ - ½
Green, Des J
1127 (1136)
Total 5166 3½ - ½ 5024

Last update Des Green Wed 22nd Feb 2023 22:48. Reported by Des Green Wed 22nd Feb 2023 22:48. Verified By Julian Summerfield Wed 22nd Feb 2023 23:27

Arrived at 7:10 pm and match

Arrived at 7:10 pm and match never started until 7:45 pm due to lateness of Solihull board 3 player.

Des Green


Hi Des- apologies for the delayed start. Rohith (junior) -board 3- agreed to play (via his Dad) with team confirmed to all players last Thursday. Not aware why he was late. You do have the option to start clocks at 7.30 pm or 7.40pm allowing for a grace period. To help grow Solihull Chess Club and support both B’ham and Leamington Leagues I am captaining 8 of our 18 teams ( trying to find more captains)- and unfortunately cannot be present at every match to supervise- although attend as non playing captain when I can. I am away this week.

Julian Summerfield