[Event "2022 Season MID En Passant Cup"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2023.02.09"] [Round "1.1.1"] [White "Dakin, Adam"] [WhiteTeam "Weald of Kent 1"] [Black "Nevols, Keith"] [BlackTeam "Swale 2"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1990"] [BlackElo "1924"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2023.02.09"] * [Event "2022 Season MID En Passant Cup"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2023.02.09"] [Round "1.1.2"] [White "Page, David A"] [WhiteTeam "Swale 2"] [Black "Hart Dyke, James"] [BlackTeam "Weald of Kent 1"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1783"] [BlackElo "1816"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2023.02.09"] * [Event "2022 Season MID En Passant Cup"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2023.02.09"] [Round "1.1.3"] [White "Thompson, Robert G"] [WhiteTeam "Weald of Kent 1"] [Black "Allen, Nick"] [BlackTeam "Swale 2"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1639"] [BlackElo "1592"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2023.02.09"] * [Event "2022 Season MID En Passant Cup"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2023.02.09"] [Round "1.1.4"] [White "Jefferies, Tyrone R"] [WhiteTeam "Swale 2"] [Black "Warrick, David H"] [BlackTeam "Weald of Kent 1"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1567"] [BlackElo "1600"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2023.02.09"] * [Event "2022 Season MID En Passant Cup"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2023.02.09"] [Round "1.1.5"] [White "Cox, Robert"] [WhiteTeam "Weald of Kent 1"] [Black "Gillard, Andrew L"] [BlackTeam "Swale 2"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1350"] [BlackElo "1534"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2023.02.09"] * [Event "2022 Season MID En Passant Cup"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards"] [Date "2023.02.09"] [Round "1.1.6"] [White "Wood, Max"] [WhiteTeam "Swale 2"] [Black "Shallcross, Mark"] [BlackTeam "Weald of Kent 1"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "1350"] [BlackElo "1350"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2023.02.09"] *