Bug Reports

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API Issue from curl command

Dominic Watson (not verified) (watson.dominic@gmail.com) sent a message using the contact form at https://lms.englishchess.org.uk/lms/contact.
Hi team,

We're using the API to pull down results for our club website and it has starting erroring. I have read the changes to the API and can see that the only expected change is to drop the ".json" suffix. This is for the bedfordshire league.

Old call example:

curl -XPOST -F org="123451" -F name="BCL Division 1" https://lms.englishchess.org.uk/lms/lmsrest/league/table.json

I noticed that the ID in the URL for the beds organisation changed and have tried both the old one and new with the following and still getting "Client error" responses:

curl -s -XPOST -F org="123451" -F name="BCL Division 1" https://lms.englishchess.org.uk/lms/lmsrest/league/table
curl -s -XPOST -F org="308" -F name="BCL Division 1" https://lms.englishchess.org.uk/lms/lmsrest/league/table

Organisation that the query relates to
Bedfordshire Chess League: https://lms.englishchess.org.uk/lms/organisation/308

The parameters have now to be passed via Json - see JQuery example.

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Bug report