It would be possible to show the status of an event in the rating system. This could be done either by using the emails sent by the rating system or by doing a query on the rating database.
But I thought there was an e-mail being sent back to the LMS which gave a one-line report on each file in the submission in a format which was supposed to be machine readable. Essentially the format is:
<event_code> : <status> <results_officer_address>
The values of the event code then being OK, FAILED, UNKNOWN PLAYERS, and NOT COMMITTED - the last only appearing if a submission is made with check_and_report_only selected.
The status is not directly available in a table. Maybe it ought to be!
There is away to extract the data from a table but it requires parsing a field which contains a JSON value. Whether that is easier than parsing an e-mail is up to you.
You know the event code and the submission number, so the query you need (broken into components for readability!) is :
The issues field is a (possibly empty) json list, each element being an error message string. The format of each string is the message number (3 digits), followed by the literal string ' - ', followed by the text of the message. The mapping from status codes reported in the summary to the contents of the issues field is:
OK: issues list is empty
UNKNOWN PLAYERS: no error code other than 101 or 103 present
NOT COMMITTED: no record found in submissions table (should imply check_and_report_only was requested)
FAILED: all other cases
A quicker check would be to include the date_time_committed column in the query; if that field is null then the status would be OK. However, that would not distinguish between UNKNOWN PLAYERS and FAILED, and from the perspective of an LMS Results Officer (specifically one who is not a Rating Officer) user the critical difference is whether or not the status is FAILED, since UNKNOWN PLAYERS amounts to OK once Matt deals with the new players.
Hope this helps.