Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Joe Parker (98330) Parker, Joe (355899L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Joe Parker Parker, Joe Joe Parker
Sex M M M
DOB 1983-03-15 1983-03-15 1983-03-15
Club Burton Burton
Grading Code 355899L 355899L 355899L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Burton & Lichfield C V Burton & Lichfield D white Frost, Robert W 422257
Burton & Lichfield C V Belper F white Gartside, Jenny W 439418
Burton & Lichfield C V Derby C white Samra, Mohinderpal W 446903
Burton & Lichfield C V Amber Valley white Heath, George K W 462652
Belper E V Burton & Lichfield C black O'Brien, Michael L 430700
Clay Cross B V Burton & Lichfield D black Cameron, Neil L 455265
Rolls Royce E V Burton & Lichfield C black Willgoose, Joe L 456792