Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of George Smith (17379) Smith, George (295708F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name George Smith Smith, George George Smith
Sex M M M
DOB 2002-12-01 2002-12-01 2002-12-01
Club Chepstow School Imperial College London Chepstow School
Grading Code 295708F 295708F 295708F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Chepstow School V City of London S white Yoon, Jacob D L 63743
Chepstow School V Altrincham Grammar School white Josan, Karan W 63821
Chepstow School V Wilsons School white Yu, X Henry W 63915
Chepstow School V North London Collegiate School 2 white Gupta, Megha W 66608
Chepstow School V Hen. Barnett School white Zhu, Jessica W 68005
Chepstow School V St johns School A white Chung, Ethan CJ L 68470
Chepstow A V Bristol GS C white Porritt, Aidan W 96830
Nottingham HS 1 V Chepstow School black Pearson, Taylor L 63785
St Pauls School SW13 V Chepstow School black Zhao, Haolin L 67198
Westminster Under School A V Chepstow School black Charters, Jamie D L 67756
Hereford Cathedral School V Chepstow School black Griffiths, Beren L 91037
Bristol GS B V Chepstow A black Godfrey, Benjamin L 92418
Bristol GS A V Chepstow A black Zeng, Jonathan L 96802
Churchill A V Chepstow A black Skeen, John L 96882