Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jacob D Yoon (17399) Yoon, Jacob D (294993D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jacob D Yoon Yoon, Jacob D Jacob D Yoon
Sex M M M
DOB 2006-05-25 2006-05-25 2006-05-25
Club City of London S Barnet Knights City of London S
Grading Code 294993D 294993D 294993D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
City of London S V Reading School white Isaksen, Peter A D 63779
City of London School V Harrow School white Hargraves, Sean W 66445
City of London School V Gonzaga College 2 white Laoide, Liam O W 67597
City of London School V Tiffin School 1 white Kumaresan, Darshan D 68475
City of London V St Paul’s Girls white Song, Anwen W 93599
City of London School for Boys A V Westminster School A white Rushbrooke, Remy W 167676
City of London School V Westminster Under School white Zheng, Harry Z L 250253
City of London V Wetherby white Mokhber-Garcia, Sebastian W 350236
Chepstow School V City of London S black Smith, George L 63743
RGS Guildford V City of London S black Ahluwalia, Amardip D 63809
Hampton School V City of London S black Makkar, Rajat L 63879
Wilsons School 2 V City of London School black Babu, Rahul L 67233
RGS Guildford 1 V City of London School black Ahluwalia, Amardip L 67875
Eltham College V City of London black Mao, Ximan L 90303
Westminster Under School V City of London black Nautiyal, Anshuman L 93623
Westminster School B V City of London School for Boys A black Remus Elliot, Tai L 163377
Westminster C V City of London black Agarwal, Krishna L 369204
Highgate School V City of London black Lebedev, Lion L 374461