Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Bilal Ahmed (17483) Ahmed, Bilal (318794K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Bilal Ahmed Ahmed, Bilal Bilal Ahmed
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-01-04 2007-01-04 2007-01-04
Club Q Elizabeth H Downend & Fishponds Q Elizabeth H
Grading Code 318794K 318794K 318794K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Q Elizabeth H 1 V King Edward VI School Chelmsford white Shelley, Scott W 63756
Q Elizabeth H 1 V Altrincham Grammar School white Ravisankar, Gautham W 63922
Queen Elizabeth H A V Sir Thomas Rich School white Hitchings, Finley W 83757
Queen Elizabeth H V Bristol GS A white Beaumont, Max W 162823
Queen Elizabeth's Hospital A V The Commonweal School white Salter, Joe W 254053
QEH V University College School white Cooper, George W 264076
QEH V North Liverpool Academy white Rivera, Roman W 264194
QEH A V Cotham School white Massoumi, Dylan W 365076
St Olaves GS V Q Elizabeth H 1 black Bansal, Saahil L 63804
Wilsons School V Q Elizabeth H 1 black Lee, Kiran L 63834
St John's College V Queen Elizabeth H A black Jaberansari, Daniel D 90448
Bristol GS B V Q Elizabeth H black Comer, Rufus L 149253
Bristol GS B V Q Elizabeth H black Comer, Rufus L 149259
St Johns College Cardiff V Queen Elizabeth H black Jaberansari, Benjamin L 168908
Sir Thomas Rich's School V Queen Elizabeth's Hospital A black Hitchings, Finley L 248841
Sir Thomas Rich V QEH black Hitchings, Finley D 264034
Taunton School V QEH black Freeman, James L 264096
Wilson's School V QEH black Yu, X Henry L 264146
Redland Green V QEH A black Vranes, Vasa L 371528