Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Richard Mladek (17775) Mladek, Richard (308658G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Richard Mladek Mladek, Richard Richard Mladek
Sex M
DOB 2002-07-14 2002-07-14 2002-07-14
Club Reading School Reading Reading School
Grading Code 308658G 308658G 308658G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Reading School V Nottingham HS 1 white Munshi, Aditya W 63723
Reading School V Tiffin School 1 white Wu, Haotian W 63825
City of London S V Reading School black Brozel, Sacha L 63777
St Olaves GS V Reading School black Verma, Aditya L 63895
RGS Guildford C V Reading School black Galpin, Luke L 88385