Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Alex Wilson (17781) Wilson, Alex (320440G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Alex Wilson Wilson, Alex Alex Wilson
Sex U
DOB 2004-05-28 2004-05-28 2004-05-28
Club Q Elizabeth H Q Elizabeth H Q Elizabeth H
Grading Code 320440G 320440G 320440G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Q Elizabeth H 1 V King Edward VI School Chelmsford white Bishop, James L 63757
Q Elizabeth H 1 V Altrincham Grammar School white Yanni, Mark W 63923
Queen Elizabeth H V Bristol GS A white Zeng, Jonathan D 162824
QEH V Westcliffe white Cole, Max D 196816
QEH V Sutton GS white Jonikas, Augustas W 196892
QEH V Wilsons white Yu, X Henry L 196928
St Olaves GS V Q Elizabeth H 1 black Chidipothu, Nikhil L 63805
Chepstow School V Queen Elizabeth H B black McIntosh, David D 84667
St John's College V Queen Elizabeth H A black Dantu, Sridatta L 90450
Bristol GS B V Q Elizabeth H black Comer, Anya L 149252
Bristol GS B V Q Elizabeth H black Comer, Anya L 149258
St Johns College Cardiff V Queen Elizabeth H black Lee, Krishna L 168909
RGS Newcastle V QEH black Cheung, Clarke L 196840
St Mary’s V QEH black Francis, Daniel L 196960