Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Luca Buanne (17816) Buanne, Luca (302891E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Luca Buanne Buanne, Luca Luca Buanne
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-02-19 2008-02-19 2008-02-19
Club Kings College Junior School (Wimbledon) Kingston Kings College Junior School (Wimbledon)
Grading Code 302891E 302891E 302891E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Kings College Junior School (Wimbledon) 1 V Hallfield School white Pal, Rohan W 64088
Kings College Junior School (Wimbledon) 1 V Magdalen College School 1 white Kassey, Amaan W 64182
Kings College Junior School A V Tiffin C white Bastow, Jake W 76322
Kings College Junior School A V Kings College Junior School B white Patel, Sen W 76410
Kings College Junior School A V Tiffin A white Wu, Haotian D 87474
Kings College School A V Kings College Lower School C white Qiu, Winston W 151717
KCS V Wilson's B white Manchandia, Pratyush W 267062
KCS Wimbledon A V St Paul's white Tombolis, Christopher W 370778
KCS V Southborough A white Wazir, Mirza W 436374
KCS V KCS U13 white Mallick, Ismail W 436505
RGS Newcastle 1 V Kings College Junior School (Wimbledon) 1 black Li, Ray L 64046
Bolton School V Kings College Junior School (Wimbledon) 1 black Pearson, Matthew D L 64076
St Josephs Primary school 1 V Kings College Junior School (Wimbledon) 1 black Zeng, Royce L 64132
Tiffin B V Kings College Junior School A black Wang, Alexander He L 76404
Wilsons E V Kings College Junior School A black Zhu, Limo L 85568
Wilsons School A V Kings College School A black Verma, Shlok L 160086
St Olaves V KCS black Bansal, Saahil D 267088
Tiffin D V KCS Wimbledon A black Smolyakov, Vanya L 347366
KCS Juniors A V KCS Wimbledon A black Soulier, Alfred L 362661
Tiffin D V KCS black Bansal, Aarav L 436477