Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jaideep C Cheema (19285) Cheema, Jaideep C (305521J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jaideep C Cheema Cheema, Jaideep C Jaideep C Cheema
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-05-25 2007-05-25 2007-05-25
Club Brentwood School Brentwood Brentwood School
Grading Code 305521J 305521J 305521J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Brentwood School 2 V Abingdon School white Huang, Ruilin Eric L 66605
Brentwood School V Winchester College 1 white Nashier, Dhruv L 67231
Brentwood School V Q Elizabeth School Barnet white Angelopoulos, Andreas L 67990
Brentwood V King Edwards Chelmsford B white Badhrinath, Adhvaith B W 85227
Brentwood V Norwich School white Taylor, George D 166342
Brentwood A V Westcliffe High B white Marshak, Elliott W 247590
Brentwood A V Westcliffe High B white Marshak, Elliott L 247596
Brentwood A V KEGS B white Reeve, Felix L 347970
Brentwood A V KEGS B white Siriwardana, Dinil L 347971
St Thomas More Herts 2 V Brentwood School black Tango demos se Armada, Lukas L 66985
Bristol GS V Brentwood School black Clegg, Anya L 67735
Queen Elizabeth School Barnet V Brentwood black Mahajan, Yash L 90996
Woodbridge School V Brentwood A black Hartshorn, Harry L 246777
KEGS A V Brentwood A black Lankothu, Sushant L 366127