Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jack Liu (19431) Liu, Jin Chen (346966K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jack Liu Liu, Jin Chen Jin Chen Liu
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-04-10 2013-07-01 2013-07-01
Club Millfield School Nottinghamshire Juniors Nottinghamshire Juniors
Grading Code 316732L 346966K 346966K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Millfield School V Hereward house school white Maeda, Tomotsugu W 67821
Millfield School V North London Collegiate School 1 white Popat, Anaya W 68540
Millfield A V Sexey's School white Charlesworth-Winn, Harry W 147390
Millfield School A V Taunton School white Lant, Frey D 154671
Millfield School V Churchill Academy white Evans, Tom W 246204
Millfield V Kings Bruton white Weston, Ludo W 331305
Millfield V Churchill white Perry, James W 362655
Magdalen College School 1 V Millfield School black Xu, Edison L 66457
Harrow School V Millfield School black Hargraves, Sean L 67358
Westminster Under School A V Millfield School black Lindquist, James D 68341
Taunton School V Millfield A black Lant, Frey L 147378
St John's College V Millfield School black Jaberansari, Benjamin L 257450
QEH D V Millfield black Adams, Max L 331321
QEH C V Millfield black Liu, Jerry L 331333
Bristol GS A V Millfield black Acharya, Kandara L 374001