Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Dylan Winward (19862) Winward, Dylan (318248E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Dylan Winward Winward, Dylan Dylan Winward
Sex M M M
DOB 2004-03-29 2004-03-29 2004-03-29
Club Harrow School Harrow School Harrow School
Grading Code 318248E 318248E 318248E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Harrow School V Millfield School white Fields, Ernie L 67360
Harrow School V St Pauls School white Onslow, Teddy L 83860
Harrow School V University College School A white Coppola, Eugenio W 163183
City of London School V Harrow School black Muhunthan, Charukgan L 66447
Latymer School V Harrow School black Theeng, Keefe L 67818
Wetherby School V Harrow School black Avaliani, Alexander L 73268
Highgate School B V Harrow School black Raja, Arav L 149675