Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Stuart Brown (21957) Brown, Stuart (316375B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Stuart Brown Brown, Stuart Stuart Brown
Sex M M M
DOB 2006-07-17 2006-07-17 2006-07-17
Club RGS Guildford RGS Guildford RGS Guildford
Grading Code 316375B 316375B 316375B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
RGS Guildford C V Guildford County C white Godfrey, Rose W 77065
RGS Guildford C V Lanesborough white Guo, James W 77113
RGS Guildford C V Reading School white Kamath, Gaurav W 88387
RGS Guildford B V Winchester College A white Minko, Dima L 163614
RGS Guildford A V RGS Guildford C white Raja, Yuvan W 241558
RGS Guildford A V Eton white Wreford, Barnaby W 254727
RGS Guildford V Wilson's B white Papneja, Vedant L 366608
Guildford County A V RGS Guildford C black Seekings, Greg L 77083
Winchester College C V RGS Guildford B black Bence, Edward L 151760
Reed's School V RGS Guildford black Inch, Joe L 347415
Tiffin A V RGS Guildford black Linton, Anixton L 372169