Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Fred Lang (23609) Lang, Fred (322184C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Fred Lang Lang, Fred Fred Lang
Sex M
DOB 1970-01-01 2006-05-17 1970-01-01
Club Bluecoat School Liverpool Bluecoat School Liverpool Bluecoat School Liverpool
Grading Code 322184C 322184C 322184C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bluecoat School V Sevenoaks white Kühn von Burgsdorff, Johannes W 264065
Bluecoat School V Highgate School white Solovieva, Kristina L 264135
Bluecoat School A V St Bridgets B white Janikiewicz, Xabi W 350512
Bluecoat School A V Gateacre B white Chan, Edan W 360141
Bluecoat School A V North Liverpool Academy A white Terim, Bartu L 360273
Altrincham GS V Bluecoat School Liverpool black Denisov, Seny D L 84054
St Albans School V Bluecoat School black Sezer, Steve L 264043
Tiffin School V Bluecoat School black Usharovsky, Ron L 264101
University College School V Bluecoat School black Clarkson, George L 264199
St Margaret's Academy A V Bluecoat School A black Lewis, Ben L 360190
Calday Grange GS V Bluecoat School A black Jadhav, Atharv L 367646
North Liverpool Academy A V Bluecoat School A black Atputananthan, Lagu L 374506