Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Joshua Doyle (37649) Doyle, Joshua (328426J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Joshua Doyle Doyle, Joshua Joshua Doyle
Sex M M M
DOB 2009-06-21 2009-06-21 2009-06-21
Club Wilsons School Wilsons School Wilsons School
Grading Code 328426J 328426J 328426J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilsons C V Sutton A white Jonikas, Augustas W 135212
Wilsons B V Brentwood school white Pert, Max P D 174495
Wilsons B V Bolton School white Malik, Mustafa W 174555
Wilsons B V Urmston GS white Khan, Shahzaib W 174579
Wilsons B V Kings College B white Poghosyan, Jake L 174611
Wilson's B V Wilson's A white Verma, Shlok L 180260
Wilson’s B V Wilson’s C white Dane, Antony D 233995
Wilson's D V Dunottar white Ryde, Rafi W 234482
Wilson's B V Wilson's C white Bhatia, Jai W 330944
Wilson's B V Dunottar white Pollock, Ben W 348998
Wilson’s A V Wilson’s B black Venkatesh, Anuj V L 114348
Tiffin D V Wilsons C black Bastow, Jake L 135189
Wilsons D V Wilsons C black Popli, Ronik L 135254
Notts HS V Wilsons B black Drew, Oliver L 174471
Tiffin school V Wilsons B black Subin, Samvrit L 174571
Kings College A V Wilsons B black Soulier, Alfred L 174596
Tiffin C V Wilson's B black Klimov, Leo L 179874
Reserves V Wilson's B black Gupta, Shourya L 180389
KCSJ C V Wilson's B black Blicharz, Maks L 180409
Whitgift V Wilson's D black Luk, Danbe L 222792
St Andrews A V Wilson's D black Macauley-Conway, Finn L 222822
Glyn B V Wilson's D black Roessen, Evie L 234434
Whitgift V Wilsons A black De Almeida, Elan L 248756
Tiffin F V Wilson's B black Ganich, Tim L 322140
Tiffin C V Wilson's B black Muddana, Shriyans L 330938
RGS Guildford V Wilson's B black McCauley, Rohan GB L 366609