Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jen Sean Wong (50667) Wong, James (356033J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jen Sean Wong Wong, James James Wong
Sex M U U
DOB 2004-11-03 2006-07-05 2006-07-05
Club Sutton Grammar School Bluecoat School Liverpool Bluecoat School Liverpool
Grading Code 327602J 356033J 356033J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Sutton A V Wilsons E white Gupta, Shourya L 135167
Sutton A V Wilsons B white Chaudhury, Jack W 135249
Sutton Grammar School A V Wilsons School D white Jain, Aditya W 149553
Sutton A V Wilson's F white An, Hongyu W 180464
Sutton A V Wilson's A white Yu, X Henry L 180472
Sutton GS V Wilsons white Yu, X Henry W 196888
Sutton GS V Bristol GS white Zeng, Jonathan W 196964
Wilsons C V Sutton A black Iyer, Eeshaan L 135213
Kings College Lower School A V Sutton Grammar School A black Poghosyan, Jake L 156643
Wilson's E V Sutton A black Jain, Advik L 180777
Elham A V Sutton A black Brightley-Davies, Ciaran L 180797
Highgate V Sutton GS black Richards, Esther L 196936