Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Marton Gyorgy (50716) Gyorgy, Marton (344095D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Marton Gyorgy Gyorgy, Marton Marton Gyorgy
Sex U M U
DOB 2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27
Club Sutton Grammar School Sutton Grammar School Sutton Grammar School
Grading Code 344095D 344095D 344095D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Sutton B V Wilsons D white Kandari, Aryaman L 135223
Sutton Grammar B V Hampton School A white Hammond, Benjamin L 149652
Sutton B V Wilson's G white Keshav, Vinay W 180823
Sutton B V Ibstock B white Gramopadhye, Arin W 181803
Wilsons G V Sutton B black Eaton, Harvey L 135200
Tiffin C V Sutton B black Siddiki, Fardeen L 135265
Ibstock A V Sutton B black Madhok, Rishabh L 180855
Tiffin C V Sutton B black Siddiki, Fardeen L 181831