Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Suraj Rajesh (55133) Rajesh, Suraj (353104B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Suraj Rajesh Rajesh, Suraj Suraj Rajesh
Sex M M M
DOB 2010-07-07 2010-07-07 2010-07-07
Club Commonweal Swindon ChessMax@Wyvern Commonweal Swindon
Grading Code 353104B 353104B 353104B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Commonweal School V Bristol GS B white Mussa, Rayyan W 236607
Commonweal School V Bristol GS B white Mussa, Rayyan W 236613
Commonweal A V Abingdon School B white Longworth, James L 327957
Commonweal A V Commonweal B white Oluvayo, Fiyin W 327963
Denmark Road HS V The Commonweal School black Mawby, Bethany L 248835
Queen Elizabeth's Hospital A V The Commonweal School black Laver, Will L 254052
Sir William Borlase School A V Commonweal A black Chris Biju, Calvin L 327323