Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Joshua Carlin (67456) Carlin, Joshua (351102K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Joshua Carlin Carlin, Joshua Joshua Carlin
Sex U U U
DOB 2007-08-27 2007-08-27 2007-08-27
Club Glyn School Glyn School Glyn School
Grading Code 351102K 351102K 351102K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Glyn V Wilson's white Shin, Minhyuk L 207034
Glyn A V Ibstock white Rees, Elena W 234451
St Andrews A V Glyn black Walters, Sebastian L 207022
St Andrews B V Glyn black Fasser, Adar kokou-Tchri L 207042
Wilson's C V Glyn A black Gunarathna, Poorwa L 222809
Wilson's E V Glyn A black Jain, Advik L 222815
Dunottar V Glyn A black Isaacs, Grace L 234421