Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Nial Zeynalli (67472) Zeynalli, Nial (344984B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Nial Zeynalli Zeynalli, Nial Nial Zeynalli
Sex U M U
DOB 2009-09-07 2009-09-07 2009-09-07
Club Glyn School Epsom Glyn School
Grading Code 344984B 344984B 344984B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Glyn V Wilson's white Rajora, Eshan D 207074
Glyn A V Ibstock white Gramopadhye, Arin W 234448
Glyn A V Glyn B white Syed, Quetbubbin W 308704
Glyn A V Dunottar A white Chatfield, Matthew D 308722
Glyn A V Dunottar B white Ingram, Emily W 308728
St Andrews V Glyn black Watts, Jacob L 207062
Dunottar V Glyn black Waters, Reece L 207082
Wilson's C V Glyn A black Domarkas, Michael L 222806
Wilson's E V Glyn A black Arunan, Sivan L 222812
Dunottar V Glyn A black Hatherill, John L 234418
Tiffin A V Glyn School black Usharovsky, Ron L 347350