Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Anushka Kishore Kumar (69858) Kishore Kumar, Anushka (341625C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Anushka Kishore Kumar Kishore Kumar, Anushka Anushka Kishore Kumar
Sex F F F
DOB 2010-03-18 2010-03-18 2010-03-18
Club Brentwood School Brentwood School Brentwood School
Grading Code 341625C 341625C 341625C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Brentwood B V Southend HS white Patel, Harshil W 219019
Brentwood B V Westcliffe High B white Marshak, Elliott W 219049
Brentwood B V Westcliffe High A white Cheung, Leonard C L 247601
Brentwood B V Holyport white Chan, Bosco W 270767
Brentwood B V Bancrofts white Stokolenko, Tom W 270785
Brentwood B V Holy Family white Reyes, Duncan W 304627
Brentwood B V Bancrofts white Stokolenko, Tom W 305099
Brentwood A V KEGS B white Chivers, Harry D 347977
Round 1 white Siriwardana, Dinil W 432568
Round 2 white Kowdike, Nandan L 432621
St Thomas More HS V Brentwood B black Wright, Jonah L 219037
Latymer School V Brentwood B black Burnton, Joshua L 270723
KEGS A V Brentwood B black Wong, Jeremy D 305118
Round 3 black Miles, Connor L 432648