Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Benedict Wibberley-Bello (85858) Wibberley-Bello, Benedict-Lucien (322005K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Benedict Wibberley-Bello Wibberley-Bello, Benedict-Lucien Benedict Wibberley-Bello
Sex U M U
DOB 2013-01-26 2013-01-26 2013-01-26
Club Trinity School Beckenham & Bromley Trinity School
Grading Code 322005K 322005K 322005K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Trinity C V Tiffin C white Wu, Yichen L 322181
Trinity C V Tiffin F white Aquende, Heu L 330931
Cheam V Trinity C black Cheng, Quinton L 330955