Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Victor Poon (87250) Poon, Victor (363558C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Victor Poon Poon, Victor Victor Poon
Sex U U U
DOB 2008-08-28 2008-08-28 2008-08-28
Club Eltham College Eltham College Eltham College
Grading Code 363558C 363558C 363558C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Eltham B V Judd B white Heard, Ben D 333337
Eltham College V Dulwich B white Sopade, Jesse W 350965
Eltham College V Dulwich B white Sopade, Jesse W 350971
Sevenoaks A V Eltham B black Lokwani, Lakshya D 333261
Harvey B V Eltham B black Cameron, Leo L 333311
Harvey A V Eltham B black Alquraish, Abdullah L 333386