Leyland 1 V Lytham 4

Division C Tue 19th Mar 2019 00:00 Winner: Unknown   Verify
Board Rating Leyland 1 V Lytham 4 Rating
171E Fitzgibbon, Sean
½ - ½
Taylor, Graham
113D Clayton, David G
½ - ½
Wilks, Colin
085D Morgan, John
0 - 1
Sansom, Keith
057E Key, Geoff
0 - 1
Cox, John
Total 426 1 - 3 396

Last update David Clayton Tue 19th Mar 2019 21:32. Reported by David Clayton . Verified By

A Victory for Lytham 4

Throughout our first season in the Blackpool and Fylde league, our lower boards have always faced stronger opponents, and so it proved with Lythm 4th team. Keith was able to exploit a cramped opening position by John and after gaining a plenty of space and attaching opportunities, this became the first victory for Lytham 4. I managed to blunder against Colin early on, but with the space it created, I was able to maneuver my Queen deep into Black's King side. With Black unable to Castle, I was able we agreed a draw ahead of a threefold repetition. Board 1 was a far more interesting game, Graham having played the Kings Gambit which was declined by Sean and after Sean accepted a sacrifice, he saw the plan and was down on material. However he kept playing some interesting chess and in a very open middle/end game he accepted a draw offered by Graham. Geoff on board 4 had managed to gain material, but unfortunately, having spend a large amount of time on his clock, his flag fell with him being unaware of the situation, and so the match was won by Lytham 4.

David Clayton