012 Bradford and District Chess Association Clough (Handicap) Knights of the Round Table V Shipley Predators 022 CITY 032 ENG 042 2019/01/29 052 2019/01/29 062 6 082 2 092 Team League 102 (0) 122 Add Time Control 132 19/01/29 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 DDD SSSS sTTT NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN RRRR FFF IIIIIIIIIII BBBB/BB/BB PPPP RRRR 1111 1 1 001 0002 m Dannenberg, G James 0 ENG 468541 1.0 0002 0001 w 1 001 0004 m Leggatt, Alex 0 ENG 1.0 0004 0003 b 1 001 0005 Palframan, Dennis 0 ENG 1.0 0005 0000 w + 001 0006 Arthur, Adrian 0 ENG 1.0 0006 0000 w + 001 0001 m Rabbi, Fazal 0 ENG 0.0 0001 0002 b 0 001 0003 m Lightowler, Anthony J 0 ENG 0.0 0003 0004 w 0 013 Knights of the Round Table 001 003 006 013 Shipley Predators 002 004 005