012 York and District League Cup and Plate Scarborough B V York University Bishops 022 CITY 032 ENG 042 2019/11/28 052 2019/11/28 062 8 082 2 092 Team Knockout 102 (0) 122 Add Time Control 132 19/11/28 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 DDD SSSS sTTT NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN RRRR FFF IIIIIIIIIII BBBB/BB/BB PPPP RRRR 1111 1 1 001 0003 m Yates, Nigel 0 ENG 1.0 0003 0004 w 1 001 0008 m Lockwood, Rob 0 ENG 1.0 0008 0007 b 1 001 0001 m Weller, Colin 0 ENG 0.5 0001 0002 b = 001 0002 Goldthorpe, Alexander 0 ENG 0.5 0002 0001 w = 001 0005 m Roe, P, Philip 0 ENG 0.5 0005 0006 b = 001 0006 m Tse, Kai 0 ENG 0.5 0006 0005 w = 001 0004 Van Hornstein, Alexandre 0 ENG 0.0 0004 0003 b 0 001 0007 Noble, Ronnie 0 ENG 0.0 0007 0008 w 0 013 Scarborough B 001 003 005 007 013 York University Bishops 002 004 006 008