[Event "2011-12 Season London Banks Team Swiss 2011-12"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see matchards"] [Date "2011.11.01"] [Round "3.1.1"] [White "Griffiths, Alan R"] [WhiteTeam "Barclays 2"] [Black "Blythe, Douglas"] [BlackTeam "Bank of Montreal"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0"] [BlackElo "0"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2011.11.01"] * [Event "2011-12 Season London Banks Team Swiss 2011-12"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see matchards"] [Date "2011.11.01"] [Round "3.1.2"] [White "Goodacre, John"] [WhiteTeam "Bank of Montreal"] [Black "Iskandar, Antoine"] [BlackTeam "Barclays 2"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0"] [BlackElo "0"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2011.11.01"] * [Event "2011-12 Season London Banks Team Swiss 2011-12"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see matchards"] [Date "2011.11.01"] [Round "3.1.3"] [White "Yu, Jack"] [WhiteTeam "Barclays 2"] [Black "Skippen, Terry C"] [BlackTeam "Bank of Montreal"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0"] [BlackElo "0"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2011.11.01"] * [Event "2011-12 Season London Banks Team Swiss 2011-12"] [Site "OTB Normal - Captains always see matchards"] [Date "2011.11.01"] [Round "3.1.4"] [White "Flannery, Mike"] [WhiteTeam "Bank of Montreal"] [Black "Dent, Paul"] [BlackTeam "Barclays 2"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "0"] [BlackElo "0"] [PlyCount "0"] [EventDate "2011.11.01"] *