Bug Reports

There is a list of LMS bug reports here

If you notice a problem with the LMS please look at this list to check that the problem has not been reported already. If you wish to report a new problem request a new feature please use the main Ask for help link.

There is a list of LMS new feature requests here

Updated LMS

The ECF League Management System has been ported from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10. It includes several updates and changes. It has undergone a lot of testing. The changes from the previous version are:

  • The login and logout options are now at the top right hand side (person icon )
  • In the existing LMS, some clubs have their own Organisations to run club championships in. In the new LMS clubs are now Organisations. The implication of this is that if a club is added to any organisation, it also has its own organisation for running club championships automatically created. 
  • The organisations are not all listed on the home page. You can either use the search on the left, or the Organisations of Clubs link on the top.
  • Because clubs have secretaries this means that organisations do as well and are where the contacts link goes to. ( so you can have owners who are not contacts )
  • Events can't use club player lists. All clubs have a player list for each organisation they belong to. All events have a player list. But you can import the list of players from any club or active event in the organisation. 
  • New option to import players from another event into a player list.
  • New option to Prune a player list, to remove those who have not played any games.
  • Teams can be set to a status of in-active to remove them from league tables without removing the games from grading.
  • Team captains can update results for their matches (previously they had to be club owners). People who were club owners will be migrated into the new LMS as club organisation users, and they will be able to enter match results.
  • There is no Verify tab on a match card, only the Verify button.
  • If a player is removed from an event player list, then they do not appear in the standings, but the games still get graded ( to handle withdrawals )
  • There is no add new player option. First you must go into Add Player where you can search for an existing one. Or say its new.
  • League tables can be sorted on number of wins. Teams can be marked as Withdrawn, which means they do not appear in the league table.
  • The options to create rating files manually from the LMS are now restricted to admins assuming that they are not used any more.
  • One of the rating lists (i.e. September, January etc) shown in club player lists is now determined by an organisation level setting. This also determines which rating list the unrated players report looks at.
  • Organisations can have additional pages, e.g., for league rules. Organisation can include images in their pages 
  • There is a search option which will find a club, organisation or player within the LMS.
  • League status block ( number of violations etc) moved from organisation home page to League Admin page 
  • The API only supports json, and the url has changed, so the it does not have .json on the end, e.g.  http://lms.englishchess.org.uk/test10/lmsrest/league/table
  • A new look (courtesy of Duncan White) - more mobile phone friendly, clubs block on the right hand side of the organisation home page replaced with a drop-down menu to save space.
  • There used to be a default treasurer and rating officer at organisation level as well as the event level setting. Now only the event level setting exists.


In the existing LMS a club consists of three different entities:

  1. A set of club owners, secretaries, venue information for an ECF club code. There is one of these for each club and it gets created when a club is added to an LMS organisation for the first time.
  2. A club link to an organisation which also has a player list associated with it. So each club has one player list per organisation it belongs to. One of these is created each time a club is added to an organisation it was not previously in.
  3. An organisation that the club can run club championships in.

In the new LMS (1) and (3) have been merged. In the old LMS, club venue details could be updated by either a club owner or an organisation owner of an organisation that the club was in. In the new LMS club details can only be updated by their owners and owners can only be added by other owners. But if a club is added to an organisation then the person adding it become an owner. I am not sure if this is quite right, but not thought of a better way of doing it.

Each club featuring in your league organisation has its own player list distinct from any in other organisations. But the club also has another entity (not featuring in an organisation) that contains one set of venue information, owners, and possibly club championship events.