Welcome to the Brighton & Hove Chess Club LMS Home Page

The deadline for all competitive games will be the end of July, as it stands. Upon review this may be extended to the end of August. Please, make every effort to play all games by the end of July.

I can highly recommend joining the ECF for those players who have not already done so. The ECF provides the grading service for all games played on this site. Bronze membership can be obtained for as little as £18 for twelve months. ECF englishchess.org.uk .

Cameron Storey has notified of withdrawal from the Tasker Tankard. He has yet to play a game in the event for this season. An email to entrants will follow when time permits.

Jan Ten Sythoff has had to withdraw from the Club Championship 2023-24. He cited difficulty playing Monday’s as his reason. An email to competitors will follow shortly.
Mikolaj Rogacewicz will not be playing any games in the Championship this season.
All ties, will be void.
Gabrielle Balfe has given notice of withdrawal from the Plummer Trophy event. All remaining games shall be scored as default wins to the opposition.
Nathan Richards has declared he is withdrawing from the Plummer Trophy event. Likewise, remaining games will be default wins to the opposition.
Andrew Shoulders has announced he is playing no further active part in the Tasker Tankard for this season. All remaining games will be default wins to the opposition.

Congratulations to Chris Lake and Cameron Storey on jointly winning the Plummer Trophy this season. They both scored 9.5/11.
Congratulations to Luke Rutherford for taking outright first in the Club Championship for this season. He has a score of 7/7. His score cannot be equaled.
Current standings in the Tasker Tankard are Anthony Stanton 6/6, Dona Strauss 5/6, Susan Chadwick 4/6, for the top three spots. This is unlikely to change. However two entrants may make a late start and could theoretically Figure in the top three spots if they play a large number of games between now and the end of July. These two players are Brian Green and Edi Fietkkau. Watch this space...

The remaining games in the Plummer Trophy have now been completed. Ten players played eleven games and completed the tournament schedule ahead of the end of July deadline. Well done to those.
Paul Selby came third in the tournament with a score of 7.5/11.

The deadline for tournament games has now passed. Any further games played from now onwards will not count in the tournament standings.