Lancaster v Preston 2

Division A Tue 30th Apr 2024   Verify
BoardHomeLancasterPreston 2Away
1 (B) 1923 (1955)
McKiernan, James
0 - 1
Sumner, Jim
2120 (2098)
2 (W) 1420 (1810)
Jayar, Om Reddy
0 - 1
Taylor, Phillip J
1947 (1888)
3 (B) 1491 (1605)
Hoggarth, Robert
0 - 1
Reaney, Conor
1868 (1825)
4 (W) 0000 (1656)
Chan, Tak-Shing
½ - ½
Tillotson, Carl A
1694 (1739)
Total4834 ½ - 3½Total7629

Last update Malcolm Peacock Tue 11th Jun 2024 11:34. Reported by Malcolm Peacock Tue 11th Jun 2024 11:34. Verified By


New Player: 344832A Hoggarth, Robert - currently assigned to Lancaster Chess Academy

Board 1 - Jim got the better of James, who was on the backfoot for a while not able to develop his Queen's bishop.
Board 2 - Phil was an exchange up, which he then gave back to get a winning endgame.
Board 3 - Sorry, did not see much of it.
Board 4 - My game was tense for a while, could not get my minority attack going, Tak kept everything covered and draw agreed.

First time playing Lancaster, nice venue, look forward to playing there again next season.