Newcastle SCS v Crewe SCS 'A'

South Cheshire Shield Wed 19th Sep 2018   Verify
BoardHomeNewcastle SCSCrewe SCS 'A'Away
1 (B) 120L ()
Odingo, Myron
1 - 0
Lovatt, Amy
144A (1856)
2 (W) 130A ()
Day, John R
1 - 0
Rhodes, Chris
127A (1627)
3 (B) 127A (1900)
Hirst, Joe
0 - 1
Layhe, Simon
116A (1869)
4 (W) 094E ()
Ashby, David E
0 - 1
Gardiner, Harry
105A (1914)
Total4712 - 2Total492

Last update Steve Emmerton Thu 20th Sep 2018 15:03. Reported by Dave Price . Verified By Alberto Gissi


Congratulations to Newcastle

agissi's picture

Tonight's match was a bit like a final for the South Cheshire Shield, as Newcastle and Crewe A were separated by just one point. The showdown didn't disappoint and all the games were really hard fought!
The first one to finish was the game on board 1, where Myron managed to get a strong position and went on to win thanks also to his opponent being in time trouble. Myron had won all his previous 3 games and, considering also the impressive improvements shown since he joined the club a couple of months ago, I decided to put him on the top board with Crewe's rising star Amy.
Meanwhile David ended up in an endgame with 3 minor pieces each, but Harry's pawns advantage proved decisive and he managed to get a nice checkmate with his knight supported by his bishop pair.
On board 2 John offered a draw to Chris, who refused, but after the balance on board 3 shifted from a winning position for Joe to a losing one, Chris went back on his steps and offered a draw. Unluckily for him and for Crewe it was too late, as John had managed to secure a winning position, so it was his turn to refuse the offer. After that the game ended quite quickly and gave Newcastle the point that sealed the draw and the victory in the Shield.
Thanks to Crewe for a very enjoyable night and congratulations to all those who took part in this competition!