Crewe SCS 'A' v Crewe SCS 'B'

South Cheshire Shield Wed 26th Jul 2017   Verify
BoardHomeCrewe SCS 'A'Crewe SCS 'B'Away
1 (B) 132A (1614)
Layhe, Neville
½ - ½
Gill, Martin
116A ()
2 (W) 105D (1627)
Rhodes, Chris
0 - 1
Gardner, Nigel
90* (1558)
3 (B) 97A (1869)
Layhe, Simon
0 - 1
Gardiner, Harry
90* (1914)
4 (W) 105E ()
Williams, Michael D
0 - 1
Hind, Richard
90* ()
Total439 ½ - 3½Total386

Last update David Hulme Wed 26th Jul 2017 23:23. Reported by David Hulme . Verified By Les Hall


Stunning win by B team

stalag45's picture

A full house at the AMAL Club watched with baited breath as the B team under-dogs blew open the South Cheshire Shield (SCS) title race with a stunning 3.5-0.5 win over the “A” team. First off the mark was Rich Hind on board 4 (grade 25) with a blistering king-side attack to blow away the defences of his 105 grade opponent to put the B team in a surprising lead. On board 3, junior Harry Gardiner played his most patient game of his youthful career to make it 2-0 for the Bees. On board 2 Nigel Gardner appeared under pressure before breaking the shackles and eventually making it 3-0 for the B team. It is likely these three wins for Rich, Harry and Nigel represent their personal bests. Only Neville Layhe with a draw against Martin Gill on top board prevented a whitewash. This news will put a spring in the steps of Newcastle players who lead the table