Bug Reports

There is a list of LMS bug reports here

If you notice a problem with the LMS please look at this list to check that the problem has not been reported already. If you wish to report a new problem request a new feature please use the main Ask for help link.

There is a list of LMS new feature requests here

LMS and Online events

There have been some recent modifications to the LMS specifically to support online events, although some of them could also be used over the board (OTB). Here are some suggestions of what you should do when running an online event in the LMS.

  • At organisation level Admin/Update Settings you can use the Visibility setting to allow team captains to enter their team lists. It works like this. Results visibility = 'only admin before match time' now also causes some additional functionality.

    1. If a user who is not an event or organisation owner, clicks on the match result in the fixture list up to 1 hour prior to the match time, and they are a club owner of one of the teams in the match they will be taken to a new tab called team selection which allows them to select their own team without seeing the other sides team.
    2. If a user who is not an event or organisation owner, clicks on the match result in the fixture list between an hour prior to the match time, and the match time itself, and they are a club owner of one of the teams in the match they will be taken to view the match (which will enable them to see the pariings).
    3. If a user who is not an event or organisation owner, clicks on the match result in the fixture list between after the start match time, and they are a club owner of one of the teams in the match they will be taken to submit match result tab as normal.
    4. Access to viewing or updating by all other users should be as before.
    5. You only get the Team Selection tab if you are a club owner of one of the clubs. So an organisation owner can try it by temporarily making themself a club owner.
    Function Team Selection Period Team View Period Match In Progress
    Admin Visibility Settings V or (M and 1 hour before match start time) S or (M and less than 1 hour before match start time) N or (M and after the match start time)
    Team Selection tab Home/Away team accessible to club owners of home/away team. Organisation owner can see it by temporarily making themselves a club owner. Not available Not available
    Match Card View Only available to organisation or event owners so that the team captains can't see the teams. For Visibility =S this applies to all match cards less than 6 hours old unless locked or verified Available to all Available to all
    Submit Match Results Only available to organisation or event owners so that the team captains can't see the teams Only available to organisation or event owners so that the team captains can't change their teams Available to organisation or event or club owners of the relevant teams
  • At event level you can select the Grading Type to be ECF online rapid for example. We have started loading ECF online ratings into the LMS although not many people have them yet. You can also select to have a different rating, eg ECF rapid or standard shown in brackets afterwards.
  • If you have set the Grading Type to be an online rating then every month the results will be sent for online rating.
  • It is now possible to enter the lichess ID's or chess.com id's for players by selecting the player from a player list, and then Edit. The idea is that once the pairings are available, you can click a player in the match card, and then click on their lichess or chess.com id as appropriate which will take you to their online page where you can challenge them.