Bug Reports

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Put player lists back ( esp for club orgs)

Add a new Tab under, Admin/Players titled "Lists" which shows:
for an organisation - all the active events lists and clubs lists
or a club organisation - the club lists that it is in ( as well as any event lists)

Thank you, but that's not intuitive to the user, who is quite likely to go straight to the organisation that they want to amend, rather than through another organisation first.

Thanks for your help though, it is much appreciated.

From: Steve Emmerton <lmsadmin@englishchess.org.uk>
Sent: 14 October 2024 14:14
To: David Lettington <david_lettington@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ask for help with a problem] Player list

The original route you were taking is wrong. That Player List is just a combination of all the different Event Player Lists and is auto updated when you update one of them. You have to do it the way that you worked out.


> On 14 Oct 2024, at 14:33, David Lettington <david_lettington@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the prompt reply.
> I think I've discovered the way to do it.
> I tried to add players via the route > My Organisations > Snodland Chess Club > Admin > Players, but no Add Player option appeared.
> However, via the route > My Organisations > Kent County Chess Association > Clubs > Snodland Chess Club > Add Player is present.
> I also noted that by going through these two different routes, the player lists are not identical. I don't know if this is a glitch?
> Many thanks for your help.
> Regards
> David
> From: Steve Emmerton <lmsadmin@englishchess.org.uk>
> Sent: 14 October 2024 13:22
> To: david_lettington@hotmail.com <david_lettington@hotmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Ask for help with a problem] Player list
> You were not showing as being an Owner of Medway so I have just added you. Whereabouts are you trying to add players ? In the Kent League or your internal club competitions ?
> Steve Emmerton
> ECF LMS Administrator

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Enhancement Request