Newcastle ‘E’ v Meir ‘C’

Division 5 Mon 3rd Feb 2020   Verify
BoardHomeNewcastle ‘E’Meir ‘C’Away
1 (B) 119A (1636)
Gissi, Alberto
1 - 0
Coleman, Roger
079B (1241)
2 (W) 076A (1741)
Whitney, Dylan
½ - ½
Rhodes, Raymond F
078C (1245)
3 (B) 079F ()
Rahulan, Tharmarajah Raj
1 - 0
Price, Gwyn
062C (1093)
4 (W) 070L ()
Barlow, Ethan
0 - 1
Perry, Robert
058C (1203)
Total3442½ - 1½Total277

Last update Nic Wright Fri 7th Feb 2020 09:34. Reported by Alberto Gissi Mon 3rd Feb 2020 23:11. Verified By Ray Rhodes Tue 4th Feb 2020 00:13


agissi's picture

Thanks to Meir for an enjoyable night.
Roger gifted me a knight in the opening, but he went on playing and created some good threats before resigning. Raj in the meantime had a good position and managed to checkmate Gwyn despite being a piece down. This prompted Dylan to agree a draw to secure the match result, while Ethan had to surrender to Bob's experience after blundering a knight.

NB: I'm aware that Raj has played 4 games now and he still doesn't show as a ECF member, but I've got the confirmation email for his membership, which was renewed on 23rd January, and I've forwarded it to Nic so that he can investigate why it's not showing on the LMS and grading database.