Alsager 'C' v Newcastle 'E'

Division 5 Tue 3rd Oct 2017   Verify
BoardHomeAlsager 'C'Newcastle 'E'Away
1 (B) 101A (1539)
Marshall, James
½ - ½
Gissi, Alberto
117A (1636)
2 (W) 88B (1250)
Horrocks, Oliver J
0 - 1
Shaw, Peter
100A ()
3 (B) 62A (1072)
Martin, Richard G
0 - 1
Wagstaff, Brian
94B ()
4 (W) 50L (1165)
Hankey, Neil
0 - 1
Day, Edward P
48B ()
Total301 ½ - 3½Total359

Last update Steve Emmerton Wed 4th Oct 2017 11:43. Reported by Alberto Gissi . Verified By Richard Martin


agissi's picture

Newcastle E started the season with an away victory at the expenses of Alsager C, thanks to the help of Brian who came to the rescue of the team with a very short notice after Derrick communicated his absence.
Pete was the first to finish his game, with a relatively quickly win, then I received a draw offer and, after seeing that both Brian and Edward (who apparently was a piece down earlier in the game) had clearly winning position, I resisted the temptation to go on playing. My evaluations were proved right as soon Neil resigned to Edward and after a few minutes Brian concluded his game with a checkmate.