Newcastle 'E' v Alsager 'C'

Division 5 Wed 24th Jan 2018   Verify
BoardHomeNewcastle 'E'Alsager 'C'Away
1 (B) 93A (1900)
Hirst, Joe
1 - 0
Marshall, James
101A (1539)
2 (W) 100A ()
Shaw, Peter
1 - 0
Horrocks, Oliver J
88B (1250)
3 (B) 70L ()
Ashby, David E
1 - 0
Martin, Richard G
62A (1072)
4 (W) 48B ()
Day, Edward P
0 - 1
Hankey, Neil
43D (1165)
Total3113 - 1Total294

Last update Steve Emmerton Thu 25th Jan 2018 01:11. Reported by Richard Martin . Verified By Alberto Gissi


agissi's picture

Well done to the team, that achieved this great result at the expenses of Alsager C thanks to three victories on the top three boards!
The match was more hard fought than shown by the result, though: Pete managed to get an early win, but Edward blundered and gave Neil a clear advantage, allowing him to equilize the score. In the meanwhile, Joe's position looked pretty bad, but he managed to get out of it and refused a draw offer, taking advantage of the fact that his opponent was struggling with time. His choice proved right as he created some complications which brought James to lose on time.
With the other three games already over, all eyes converged on board three, where David managed to convert a position that looked pretty equal into his first win in an official game.