Cheddleton 'I' v Newcastle 'E'

Division 5 Fri 26th Jan 2018   Verify
BoardHomeCheddleton 'I'Newcastle 'E'Away
1 (B) 118B (1490)
Abell, Colin
½ - ½
Gissi, Alberto
117A (1636)
2 (W) 114L (1435)
Murray-Smith, Harvey M
½ - ½
Hirst, Joe
93A (1900)
3 (B) 107B (1465)
Hallen, David A
0 - 1
Shaw, Peter
100A ()
4 (W) 58D (1231)
Arshad, S Ali
0 - 1
Day, Edward P
48B ()
Total3971 - 3Total358

Last update Steve Emmerton Mon 29th Jan 2018 00:59. Reported by Alberto Gissi . Verified By Ali Arshad


agissi's picture

Newcastle E managed to get its second win of the week at the expenses of a strong Cheddleton I team.
Things didn't look so good at the beginning, when I totally messed up in the opening and I was already in a losing position by move 5. Colin didn't want to commit to the full scale attack that I was expecting on the kingside, though, so I slowly managed to get out of my hopeless position and eventually to get back to level material. At that point Colin offered me a draw and I gladly accepted.
In the meanwhile Joe had already agreed a draw on board 2, while Edward and Ali were playing in a blocked position and Pete had missed a free rook that David had left undefended.
Edward took advantage of Ali's time troubles and simply kept playing until his opponent's time was over, pushing the balance of the match towards Newcastle. On the other board, instead, Pete chose the wrong square where to put his king, but David was so kind not to check mate him. The match went on and white eventually managed to queen one of his pawns and win the game.

As above, a very enjoyable chess evening and looking forward to playing them again. well done!