Newcastle 'E' v Cheddleton 'H'

Division 5 Wed 21st Mar 2018   Verify
BoardHomeNewcastle 'E'Cheddleton 'H'Away
1 (B) 93A (1900)
Hirst, Joe
0 - 1
Mountford, Caroline L
120A (1604)
2 (W) 100A ()
Shaw, Peter
1 - 0
Walker, Roger W
117A (1610)
3 (B) 70L ()
Ashby, David E
½ - ½
Jones, Jasmine H
41D ()
4 (W) 48B ()
Day, Edward P
1 - 0
Jones, Jamie D
40D ()
Total3112½ - 1½Total318

Last update Steve Emmerton Thu 22nd Mar 2018 08:37. Reported by Caroline Mountford . Verified By Alberto Gissi


agissi's picture

The E team got an excellent win tonight despite Joe's first loss in a while and David's first draw. Well done to Cheddleton girls as well, who almost managed to snatch a draw for their team.
Peter got a very strong attack and won relatively soon. He was followed by Edward, who brought the result on 2-0, but the other games didn't look as promising for Newcastle, in particular David's one, as Jasmine managed to setup a very interesting attack. He defended well, though, and Jasmine, who got in time trouble, ended up offering him a draw, that he accepted sealing the result. In the meantime Caroline managed to get an edge over Joe, but her win wasn't enough to guarantee a draw.