Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Gautham Ravisankar (41303) Ravisankar, Gautham (302399A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Gautham Ravisankar Ravisankar, Gautham Gautham Ravisankar
Sex M M M
DOB 2005-12-14 2005-12-14 2005-12-14
Club Altrincham Grammar School Altrincham Grammar School Altrincham Grammar School
Grading Code 302399A 302399A 302399A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Altrincham Grammar School A V Wilsons School B white Manchandia, Pratyush W 126976
Altrincham Grammar School A V Wilsons School C white Yang-Turner, Fraser W 138378
Altrincham Grammar School A V King Edward VI School Chelmsford A white Poon, Evan W 147818
Altrincham Grammar School A V Tiffin School A white Lam, Isaac + 164596
Altrincham Grammar School A V Wilsons School C white Popli, Ronik L 168034
Altrincham Grammar School A V Holyport College A white Stormonth, Rhiannan W 201543
Altrincham Grammar School A V Eton College C white Khan, Yahya W 215714
Altrincham Grammar School A V Tiffin School A white Lucey, Cathal L 232609
Tiffin School B V Altrincham Grammar School A black Subin, Samvrit L 125728
Tiffin School A V Altrincham Grammar School A black Lam, Isaac L 132254
Wilsons School A V Altrincham Grammar School A black Manchandia, Pratyush L 152324
Eton College C V Altrincham Grammar School A black Liu, David L 157205
Eton College B V Altrincham Grammar School A black Agnihotri, Akaash L 160760
Eton College A V Altrincham Grammar School A black Agnihotri, Aaryan L 220894
Newcastle A V Altrincham Grammar School A black Barbieri, Luca L 246638
Cheadle Hulme A V Altrincham Grammar School A black Barfoot, Isobel L 251618