Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Nicholas Woods (40819) Woods, Nicholas (341349E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Nicholas Woods Woods, Nicholas Nicholas Woods
Sex M M M
DOB 1958-08-19 1958-08-19 1958-08-19
Club Downend & Fishponds Downend & Fishponds Downend & Fishponds
Grading Code 341349E 341349E 341349E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Downend & Fishponds E V Bristol Grendel B white Paton, John G L 133978
Downend & Fishponds F V North Bristol A white Millener, Richard P L 136988
Downend & Fishponds F V Bristol & Clifton B white Walne, Mathew L 150299
Downend & Fishponds F V Horfield & Redland D white Henderson, Adam D 158901
Downend & Fishponds Knights V South Bristol Smurfs white White, Jon L 166853
Downend & Fishponds E V Bristol & Clifton C white Ackland, Peter L 169504
Downend & Fishponds F V Keynsham white Rowlands, Jim D 172547
Downend & Fishponds Bishops V North Bristol white Dasgupta, Debaditya L 201401
Downend & Fishponds F V Bristol & Clifton C white Barnes, Richard L 230405
Downend & Fishponds F V Downend & Fishponds E white Thwaites, Mark D 251506
Downend & Fishponds F V Bath C white Stalidis, Andreas L 258563
Downend & Fishponds F V South Bristol D white Hughes, Alexandra L 311435
Downend & Fishponds F V Horfield & Redland D white Strickland, Graham D 320556
Downend & Fishponds F V Clevedon C white Crewe, Brian L 359891
Downend & Fishponds F V Bath D white Osborne, Paul J L 422904
Downend & Fishponds E V Hanham Folk Centre A white Howells, Matt D 444227
Downend & Fishponds E V Downend & Fishponds F black Farrow, Josh L 124792
Hanham Folk Centre V Downend & Fishponds F black Kirk, Richard D 128808
Bristol Grendel B V Downend & Fishponds F black Brown, Robin L 131283
Bristol University B V Downend & Fishponds F black Jina, Asha L 140655
North Bristol C V Downend & Fishponds E black Rucka, Magda L 154730
Downend & Fishponds D V Downend & Fishponds C black Gammon, Geoffrey L 163046
Downend & Fishponds E V Downend & Fishponds F black Huke, Senna L 166190
Downend & Fishponds E V Downend & Fishponds F black Stubbs, John L 196997
Horfield & Redland D V Downend & Fishponds F black Balasubramaniam, Kanagasabai D 199706
Clevedon C V Downend & Fishponds F black Dean, Michael D 219493
Bristol Grendel B V Downend & Fishponds F black Paton, John G L 226123
Bath V Downend & Fishponds Bishops black Osborne, Paul J L 232492
Keynsham B V Downend & Fishponds F black Hayden, Christopher L D 242767
Bristol & Clifton E V Downend & Fishponds F black Misra, Advay L 245781
Harambee A V Downend & Fishponds F black Foluke, Simba D 265074
Bristol & Clifton E V Downend & Fishponds F black Cala, Rafal L 307428
Clevedon C V Downend & Fishponds F black May, Doug D 329268
Bristol University C V Downend & Fishponds E black Cooper, Daniel L 333444
Bristol & Clifton F V Downend & Fishponds F black Ashton, Charlie L 353641
Portishead A V Downend & Fishponds F black Crowe, Lana D 362185
Bristol & Clifton D V Downend & Fishponds F black Curtis, Brandon L 385691
Horfield & Redland D V Downend & Fishponds E black Strickland, Graham D 388192
Horfield & Redland 2 V Downend & Fishponds Bishops black Taylor, Ashleigh L 419780
Portishead B V Downend & Fishponds F black Moon, Alice L 429460
Yate & Sodbury B V Downend & Fishponds F black Hamm, Ryan D 451215
South Bristol C V Downend & Fishponds E black Cooper, Charliey D 459757
Bristol & Clifton F V Downend & Fishponds F black Ackland, Peter L 465800