Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jeremy Gardner (6176) Gardner, Jeremy (174126D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jeremy Gardner Gardner, Jeremy Jeremy Gardner
Sex M M M
DOB 1969-11-09 1969-11-09 1969-11-09
Club Yate & Sodbury Yate & Sodbury Yate & Sodbury
Grading Code 174126D 174126D 174126D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Yate & Sodbury A V North Bristol A white Kent, Alex W 129223
Yate & Sodbury A V Hanham Folk Centre white Lawson, Phillip W 131304
Yate & Sodbury A V Bristol Cabot B white Collis, Richard L 136799
Yate & Sodbury A V South Bristol A (Woodentops) white Garrett, Richard L 140030
Yate & Sodbury A V Horfield & Redland C white Chidwick, Judd W 153971
Yate & Sodbury A V Downend & Fishponds C white Pickup, Ian R L 165699
Yate & Sodbury A V Horfield & Redland C white Questiaux, Remi W 207101
Yate & Sodbury A V South Bristol B white Cullen, Gareth W 209433
Yate & Sodbury A V North Bristol B white Millener, Richard P W 217502
Yate & Sodbury A V Bristol & Clifton B white Korolchuk, Ted D 227253
Yate & Sodbury A V Downend & Fishponds D white Papier, Alan W 234037
Yate & Sodbury A V Hanham Folk Centre A white White, E. Michael W 239466
Yate & Sodbury A V Clevedon B white Chapman, Andrew N L 248053
Yate & Sodbury V South Bristol 2 white Garrett, Richard L 259823
Yate & Sodbury A V Bath B white Timbrell, Matthew L 262496
Yate & Sodbury B V Bristol & Clifton C white Hillier, Chris W 265985
Yate & Sodbury A V Clevedon B white Iles, Stuart P L 293082
Yate & Sodbury A V Keynsham white Rowlands, Jim W 312624
Yate & Sodbury A V Bath C white Farina, Mauro D 325778
Yate & Sodbury V Bristol Cabot white Drummond, Alastair L 342039
Yate & Sodbury A V Horfield & Redland C white Chidwick, Judd W 356937
Yate & Sodbury A V Downend & Fishponds D white Williams, Dave J D 359309
Yate & Sodbury A V North Bristol white Golding, Tony W 370826
Yate & Sodbury A V Hanham Folk Centre A white Catchpole, Adrian W 386620
Yate & Sodbury V Bristol & Clifton white Doklestic, Igor L 393182
Yate & Sodbury A V South Bristol A white Miller, George I L 424527
Yate & Sodbury A V Horfield & Redland B white Richards, John E L 433588
Yate & Sodbury A V Clevedon B white Crewe, Brian W 443932
Yate & Sodbury A V Downend & Fishponds C white Hennefeld, James D 459086
Bristol Grendel B V Yate & Sodbury A black Alan, Calvin L 126330
North Bristol B V Yate & Sodbury A black Lowery, Robert L 134097
Downend & Fishponds C V Yate & Sodbury A black Williams, Stephen M L 150195
Keynsham V Yate & Sodbury A black Wilmshurst, Lawrence L 159117
South Bristol A (Woodentops) V Yate & Sodbury A black Inman, Sam D 163248
Bristol Cabot V Yate & Sodbury black Drummond, Alastair L 166857
Downend & Fishponds D V Yate & Sodbury A black Hennefeld, James D 169537
North Bristol A V Yate & Sodbury A black Kent, Alex D 172920
South Bristol Smurfs V Yate & Sodbury black Inman, Sam L 178259
Keynsham V Yate & Sodbury black Manton, Timothy D 181598
Downend & Fishponds D V Yate & Sodbury A black Pickup, Ian R L 195634
Thornbury Bristol V Yate & Sodbury black Vaughan, David O L 201844
Hanham Folk Centre A V Yate & Sodbury A black Gould, Jonathon L 203607
Clevedon B V Yate & Sodbury A black Iles, Stuart P D 214915
Bath B V Yate & Sodbury A black Walley, A Clive L 223539
Hanham Folk Centre V Yate & Sodbury black Loog, Tiiu L 233401
Downend & Fishponds F V Yate & Sodbury B black Meadows, James L 236950
North Bristol B V Yate & Sodbury A black Millener, Richard P L 253412
Clevedon C V Yate & Sodbury B black Lintern, Jack L 255294
Bristol & Clifton B V Yate & Sodbury A black Doklestic, Igor L 257652
South Bristol B V Yate & Sodbury A black Milborrow, Andrew L 268754
Downend & Fishponds Bishops V Yate & Sodbury black Passmore, Michael J D 298646
Horfield & Redland C V Yate & Sodbury A black Luque, Joaquim L 300827
Downend & Fishponds D V Yate & Sodbury A black Zverev, Aleksei L 306909
North Bristol V Yate & Sodbury A black Bingham, James D 318475
Hanham Folk Centre A V Yate & Sodbury A black Gould, Jonathon L 334931
Clevedon B V Yate & Sodbury A black Strong, Chris M L 345662
Keynsham V Yate & Sodbury A black Hanson, William D 366289
Downend & Fishponds Knights V Yate & Sodbury black White, Martin J L 376818
Bath C V Yate & Sodbury A black Raynes, Barry L 381159
Bristol & Clifton Knights V Yate & Sodbury black Mussa, Rayyan L 417434
Bath B V Yate & Sodbury A black Grimmett, Ashton L 437554
Bristol University B V Yate & Sodbury A black Gregory, Thomas L 452972
Bristol Grendel A V Yate & Sodbury A black Humphreys, Jerry L 465501