Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of John Reeve (66595) Reeve, John (351081F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name John Reeve Reeve, John John Reeve
Sex U M U
DOB 1970-01-01 1960-07-24 1970-01-01
Club Clevedon Clevedon Clevedon
Grading Code 351081F 351081F 351081F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Clevedon C V Downend & Fishponds F white Saunders, Per L 219494
Clevedon C V Downend & Fishponds E white Neehaul, Yash W 235931
Clevedon C V Keynsham B white Hayden, Christopher L L 238708
Clevedon C V Yate & Sodbury B white Langmaid, Kevin D W 255295
Clevedon C V Bristol Cabot B white Picton, James L 302714
Clevedon C V Downend & Fishponds F white Parcell, Daniel D 329266
Clevedon C V Yate & Sodbury B white Langmaid, Kevin D D 364625
Clevedon C V Bristol & Clifton C white Milicevic, Milan L 380358
Clevedon C V Yate & Sodbury C white Robinson, Max W 429438
Clevedon C V North Bristol B white Sharratt, David D 443111
Harambee A V Clevedon C black Kofi, Oba G L 206238
Portishead V Clevedon C black Simmonds, Zak L 315305
South Bristol E V Clevedon C black Hewer, Jane L 384499
Horfield & Redland E V Clevedon C black Antony, Ashish L 427636
Portishead C V Clevedon C black Xu, Fisker L 458208