Method for clubs or leagues could include match results or league tables into their own webites automatically (a web service callable by javascript or php) |
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Malcolm Peacock |
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Only include verified/locked matches for grading - when direct link to grading available |
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Alex Holowczak |
Should it be possible to have ungraded matches/ events ? |
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Malcolm Peacock |
See the structure of a knockout event whilst editting or adding fixtures |
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Malcolm Peacock |
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LMS Tab on user should link to player record and let you select your grading code |
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Malcolm Peacock |
Separate the fixture generation and fixture date generation |
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Malcolm Peacock |
List of Clubs so you can go directly to a club without going via the organisation |
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Malcolm Peacock |
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Separate the aggregate home / away option from the 2 mini match option |
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Malcolm Peacock |
Fix the auto-locking feature - after a period of time any match result beomes locked |
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Malcolm Peacock |
Comments only visible to logged in users. Comment approval by admins |
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Alex Holowczak |