Fareham A V Ringwood A
Board | Rating | Fareham A | V | Ringwood A | Rating |
1 | 2386 (2382) | Bezuidenhout, Roland G |
½ - ½ | G Anderson, Peter W |
2101 (2107) |
2 | 2198 (2203) | Corkett, Anthony R B |
1 - 0 | G Weatherlake, John P |
2029 (2028) |
3 | 2014 (2003) | Gregory, Keith DF G |
½ - ½ | G Clancy, Martin J |
1828 (1846) |
4 | 1911 (1912) | Janota, Paul S G |
½ - ½ | G Perrin, Richard D |
1792 (1802) |
5 | 1830 (1823) | Ursell, Richard W G |
½ - ½ | G Melling, Hugo |
1830 (1818) |
Average | 2068 | 3 - 2 | 1916 |
Last update Graham Stuart Wed 13th Nov 2024 09:33. Reported by Graham Stuart Wed 13th Nov 2024 09:33. Verified By
Comment for organiser
Board 2 Ringwood John WeatherlakeA hard match where we just…
A hard match where we just came up short to the "Fareham machine", but a pleasant evening none the less.
First to finish was board 1 in a repetition where both felt alternative moves left them a little worse.
Next was board 4, where the Fareham player was a double pawn up when peace was declared.
My game against Keith left us both feeling we were a single move away from having a good position. We continued until we only had white square bishops and 4 isolated pawns on matching files before drawing.
John Weatherlake ( ECF: Weatherlake, John P 135922J ) in his debut for Ringwood on board two, hung on in a difficult position against Tony Corkett before finally losing a tough game.
That left Fareham with at least a draw from the match. Richard got a draw, winning the match when Hugo, who had been playing on an increment for awful lot of move had to accept a draw against the experienced Richard :-)