Basingstoke D V Andover B
SCL Div 4 Wed 9th Oct 2024 00:00 Winner: Away Verify
Board | Rating | Basingstoke D | V | Andover B | Rating |
1 | 1631 (1454) | Ford, Owen B |
0 - 1 | G Devlin, Liam |
1616 (1635) |
2 | 1432 (1432) | Andrews, Michael D G |
1 - 0 | B Stonham, Gavin |
1494 (1456) |
3 | 1479 (1464) | Ware, Philip J G |
0 - 1 | G Morris, Nicholas |
1443 (1458) |
4 | 1375 (1360) | Matthews, Adam B |
0 - 1 | G Payne, Graham PW |
1436 (1454) |
Average | 1480 | 1 - 3 | 1498 |
Last update Liam Devlin Thu 10th Oct 2024 04:35. Reported by Liam Devlin Thu 10th Oct 2024 04:35. Verified By
Comment for organiser
We also had 3 other rated games between the clubs, those being: Andover vs Basingtoke Andrew Dinkele 0-1 Shwetal Bhatt Ariya Maskell (ME050807) 0-1 Jia-Arn Yeung Jaiya Maskell (ME050806) 0-1 Josh A Thank you very much to Basingstoke gracious hosts as always, some very close competitive games tonight. If I got any of the Basingstoke player names wrong apologies and happy to be corrected.Additional Games
The additional games have been added.
Round 3 | ECF League Management System (
Some of the players are not yet on the ECF rating system and will have to be updated once they are.