Chandlers Ford E V Southampton C
Board | Rating | Chandlers Ford E | V | Southampton C | Rating |
1 | 1279 (1252) | Strachan, Rob N |
0 - 1 | G Ediss, Darren |
1654 (1629) |
2 | 1252 (1238) | Gray, James B |
0 - 1 | B Furnell, David |
1608 (1612) |
3 | 1227 (1230) | Weaver, Alan G |
0 - 1 | G Hale, Rosamund |
1497 (1504) |
4 | 1164 (1198) | Parish, Geoff B |
1 - 0 | G Mitra, Somnath |
1357 (1371) |
Average | 1231 | 1 - 3 | 1529 |
Last update Somnath Mitra Wed 6th Nov 2024 00:08. Reported by Somnath Mitra Wed 6th Nov 2024 00:08. Verified By
Here is the match report :…
Here is the match report :
Board 1 : Darren (White) had an interesting game against Rob who was down material. In the end Darren saw a forced checkmate line and sacrificed his queen and eventually won.
Board 2 : David(Black) had a comfortable game against James. He won a piece after James made an error and then a pawn. After that Dave launched an attack against James's king winning his Knight. Being up on material Dave exchanged the pieces for an easy winning endgame.
Board 3 : This one went till the last minute. Ros had white against Alan's black forces. In the endgame Ros was down on time but she had an extra Bishop and and extra pawns. Alan on the other hand had two passed pawns. She(Ros) played the endgame more accurately than Alan and won finally.
Board 4: I(played) black against Geoff's white pieces and even though my position was good in the opening, I tried to open up his kingside and managed to blunder on the 11th move and lost a piece. Then on Geoff played very well to manage a win in the endgame.